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Crystal Ball

Spiritual Development Classes


Inner Development with Rachael Wilmot


Every Wednesday evening at 7:30 - 9pm, Rachael hosts an Inner Development class - "Stepping into Wonder through Colour".


"Since a child I’ve been able to see beyond our daily reality into a world of wonder. I work with the energy and vitality of colour, and its healing qualities.


I trained as an artist and musician, and my published book “The Keys of Awareness ~ The Book of Wonder” shows how colour acts as our connection to the world and our inner selves.


I have been running courses and workshops, meditation, and psychic development classes, for over 30 years, and I’m excited to be part of the LV Life Wellbeing Centre, to offer classes, painting workshops, and one to one Colour Chakra Readings.

For more about “The Keys of Awareness” see


I'm looking forward to offering weekly inner development classes. "Stepping into Wonder through Colour" at The LV Life Wellbeing Centre.


Welcome to the World of Colour!” - Rachael


£10 per person, booking required.

4 Week Course -

"Mastery of the I Ching and the Secret of Tao"


Next date TBC, for 4 consecutive weeks, Tom Leworthy will be hosting this Tao I Ching study group.


"I’m Tom and I’ve been an I Ching Consultant for over 30 years.  I offer practical workshops and personal I Ching Oracle Readings to enable you to gain an insight into the Tao and your own energy.


Week 1: Introduction to the Tao - how to use it easily
Week 2: The Heart of the I Ching - the secret of the trigrams
Week 3: The Power of the Hexagrams - the present and future
Week 4: The Flow of Energy - Tao and your place in it


My published book “Tao I Ching ~ The Mystic Gateway” provides an easy way to consult the I Ching yourself. For more information visit


I'm looking forward to offering weekly classes on Tao ~ the universal energy that flows through everything. Come and find out the easy way to connect with this energy using the I Ching for direction and guidance. Every Wednesday evening at The LV Life Wellbeing Centre” - Tom Leworthy


£40 per person, pre-booking required.


Empowerment Circles with Hayley Bath


In this powerful 90-minute healing circle open to all genders, you will learn mindfulness techniques to support you in your everyday life to be able to self-soothe and overcome any challenging situation. We will be focusing on calming the nervous system, along with releasing any stuck emotions or trauma held in the body. You will be invited to join in a variety of modalities such as Breathwork, Meditation, Reiki Energy Healing, Tapping Therapy (EFT) and Chanting. These
processes can help in raising your awareness, gaining clarity, balance and acceptance, along with cultivating more self-love so you are able to live a life that is more aligned, peaceful and fulfilling.

This is also a great way to support our loved ones, inspire them and gain healthier relationships through doing the inner work. The ripple effect it has can be huge. These circles will be held on a monthly basis, focusing on a different theme each month along with any personal intentions. This will also give you the opportunity to connect with like-minded souls and share if you feel called. This will be a space of openness and non-judgment where you will be fully held throughout and accepted just the way you are.


Monthly (usually last Sunday) from 7-8:30pm


£15 per person, booking required.

Human Design Study Group with Luke


Luke aims to host a monthly Human Design Study Group.  This is a very informal session, where we all just bring our charts, questions and knowledge together to have a good discussion with good company.  The next session is TBC


Cost: £10



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